
Well done Microsoft?

04 December 2016

I have to give credit to Microsoft. I have worked with their technologies for more than 10 years mostly in the development space and looking at what they have available right now today and what is round the corner they look to be in an excellent position. As part of my role as R+D Manager I need to be looking closely at what is changing in terms of technology but also how businesses are changing. We work heavily with the core business services/systems of Office 365, Azure, SharePoint and Dynamics CRM so I know about the changes happening with these. Added to this I recently spent some time looking at their new BI offerings, Cortana and Hololens. From what I can see they are taking us to some very exciting places.

The cynics reading this might be thinking “why be so nice about Microsoft”. I guess people would be more accustomed to these kind of felicitations being reserved for the latest iPhone. Praising Microsoft isn’t really allowed. I think part of this is because Microsoft are seen by many as old. You don’t often hear people talking about their grandparents as being cool!


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