Managing Remote Teams

Managing Remote Teams

26 March 2020

The arrival of Covid-19 on our shores has radically changed the way we live our daily lives including the way that we work. Many employees around the country are being asked to work from home and for many, this is the first time they are doing so for a prolonged period of time. For many managers this also the first time they have had to manage a fully remote working team, which can be a difficult task.

It is difficult to pretend that it is ‘business as usual’, but for Auxilion, we are business with hundreds of employees and clients who rely on us for several services. We need to ensure we are doing everything we can to continue to deliver great customer service during this difficult time.

Luckily, we in Auxilion we practice what we preach and many of team already work remotely. Our team were fully equipped to work from home securely, with full business continuity.

We use a Microsoft suite of hardware and software to ensure our team members are available to our clients when needed most. There was no hesitation in offering the team the option to work remotely, ensuring they could look after their health and the health of their families. One of the core applications we use to stay in touch with our staff is Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams is a central hub for collaboration and helps to bring everything together in a shared workspace, allowing our staff to stay in contact with their teams. There are free options, but the premium Office 365 subscription is a full-service collaboration and communication suite for Windows users. With Teams, you can make video and VOIP calls within Teams, direct and group message other users, and share work from other Office 365 apps, such as PowerPoint and Excel. If you have Teams already, we have put together some training videos on our website which you can view here.

With the current situation we find ourselves in and the many new remote workers, we hope the following might be helpful for those of you looking to manage a team remotely. Our sister company, I.T. Alliance Resourcing Services features a useful list of productivity tips which you might wish to share with your team.


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