Microsoft Teams

Make remote working work for you with Microsoft Teams

14 April 2020

Remote working has been a new experience for many businesses across the country over the last month. Amid the coronavirus crisis, working remotely is the new ‘norm’ for now and may continue beyond the pandemic for many.

For many, the prospect of remote working full-time poses several questions: do I have the right equipment? How can I stay motivated? Luckily, there are remote working solutions available like Microsoft Teams to keep you fully connected with your colleagues regardless of location and in some cases it may even enable you to be even more productive than in the office.

Teams focuses on enabling remote collaboration and offers features that are more important than ever for remote workers, seamless video calling, easy chat, file sharing and collaborative working channels, to name a few. Microsoft Teams allows you to get connected and start collaborating with your team regardless of location. Microsoft has also enhanced the security and privacy of Teams, securing the software against increasing coronavirus-related cyber threats.

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